path: root/target/linux/at91/files/drivers/misc
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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/at91/files/drivers/misc/at91-adc.c b/target/linux/at91/files/drivers/misc/at91-adc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 90ea8181b..000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91/files/drivers/misc/at91-adc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
- * Driver for ADC on Atmel AT91 SoC Family
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Claudio Mignanti -
- * Based on,9409/#p9409
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Stefano Barbato -
- *
- * 2010/05/18 Antonio Galea
- * Sysfs device model, different drivers integration
- *
- * - concurrent access control
- * - add support for dynamic reconfiguration
- * - hardware triggers
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <linux/cdev.h>
-#include <linux/clk.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include <linux/gpio.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/platform_device.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include "at91_adc.h"
-#define DRV_CLASS "at91_adc"
-#define ADC_REQUEST 1 //un-used atm
-#define ADC_READ 2
-#define ADC_FREE 3
-/* Device functions */
-#define at91_adc_read(reg) ioread32(at91_adc_base + (reg))
-#define at91_adc_write(reg, val) iowrite32((val), at91_adc_base + (reg))
-static void at91_adc_device_release(struct device *dev) {}
-struct platform_device at91_adc_device = {
- .name = "at91_adc",
- .id = -1,
- .dev.release = at91_adc_device_release,
-struct clk *at91_adc_clk;
-void __iomem *at91_adc_base;
-void __iomem *at91_pioc_base;
-static struct cdev *at91_adc_cdev = NULL;
-static dev_t at91_adc_devno = 0;
-static struct class *at91_adc_class = NULL;
-static int at91_adc_read_chan(int chan){
- int val, sr;
- if(chan<0 || chan>3){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* disable pull-up resistor */
- iowrite32(1 << chan, at91_pioc_base + 0x60);
- at91_adc_write(AT91_ADC_CHER,AT91_ADC_CH(chan)); // Enable Channel
- at91_adc_write(AT91_ADC_CR,AT91_ADC_START); //Start the ADC
- for(sr=0; !(sr & AT91_ADC_EOC(chan)); sr=at91_adc_read(AT91_ADC_SR))
- cpu_relax();
- val=at91_adc_read(AT91_ADC_CHR(chan)) & AT91_ADC_DATA; //Read up to 10 bits
- return val;
-/* PC0 -> AD0
- PC1 -> AD1
- PC2 -> AD2
- PC3 -> AD3 */
-static int mux_chan (int chan, int operation) {
- int pin_chan;
- if(chan<0 || chan>3){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- switch (chan) {
- case 0:
- pin_chan=AT91_PIN_PC0;
- break;
- case 1:
- pin_chan=AT91_PIN_PC1;
- break;
- case 2:
- pin_chan=AT91_PIN_PC2;
- break;
- case 3:
- pin_chan=AT91_PIN_PC3;
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (operation == 1) //request_chan
- at91_set_A_periph(pin_chan, 0); //Mux PIN to GPIO
- else //free_chan
- at91_set_B_periph(pin_chan, 0); //Mux PIN to GPIO
- return 0;
-static int at91_adc_config(int requested_config){
- int actual_config;
- at91_adc_write(AT91_ADC_CR,AT91_ADC_SWRST); //Reset the ADC
- at91_adc_write(AT91_ADC_MR,requested_config); //Mode setup
- actual_config = at91_adc_read(AT91_ADC_MR); //Read it back
- return (requested_config==actual_config? 0: -EINVAL);
-/* Sysfs interface */
-static ssize_t at91_adc_chanX_show(
- struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf ){
- ssize_t status = 0;
- int chan = -1;
- int value;
- if(strlen(attr-> && strncmp(attr->,"chan",4)==0){
- chan = attr->[4]-'0';
- }
- if(chan<0 || chan>3){
- return -EIO;
- }
- value = at91_adc_read_chan(chan);
- status = sprintf(buf, "%d\n", value);
- return status;
-static DEVICE_ATTR(chan0, 0444, at91_adc_chanX_show, NULL);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(chan1, 0444, at91_adc_chanX_show, NULL);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(chan2, 0444, at91_adc_chanX_show, NULL);
-static DEVICE_ATTR(chan3, 0444, at91_adc_chanX_show, NULL);
-static const struct attribute *at91_adc_dev_attrs[] = {
- &dev_attr_chan0.attr,
- &dev_attr_chan1.attr,
- &dev_attr_chan2.attr,
- &dev_attr_chan3.attr,
-static const struct attribute_group at91_adc_dev_attr_group = {
- .attrs = (struct attribute **) at91_adc_dev_attrs,
-/* IOCTL interface */
-static long at91_adc_unlocked_ioctl(
- struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){
-static int at91_adc_ioctl(
- struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){
- long retval = 0;
- lock_kernel();
- switch (cmd) {
- retval = mux_chan ((int)arg, 1);
- break;
- case ADC_READ:
- retval = at91_adc_read_chan((int)arg);
- break;
- case ADC_FREE:
- retval = mux_chan ((int)arg, 0);
- break;
- default:
- retval = -EINVAL;
- }
- unlock_kernel();
- return retval;
-struct file_operations at91_adc_fops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .unlocked_ioctl = at91_adc_unlocked_ioctl,
- .ioctl = at91_adc_ioctl,
-static void at91_adc_cdev_teardown(void){
- if(at91_adc_class){
- device_destroy(at91_adc_class, at91_adc_devno);
- class_destroy(at91_adc_class);
- }
- if(at91_adc_devno){
- unregister_chrdev_region(at91_adc_devno,1);
- if(at91_adc_cdev){ cdev_del(at91_adc_cdev); }
- }
- at91_adc_devno = 0;
- at91_adc_cdev = NULL;
- at91_adc_class = NULL;
- return;
-static int at91_adc_cdev_setup(void){
- int status;
- /* alloc a new device number (major: dynamic, minor: 0) */
- status = alloc_chrdev_region(&at91_adc_devno,0,1,;
- if(status){
- goto err;
- }
- /* create a new char device */
- at91_adc_cdev = cdev_alloc();
- if(at91_adc_cdev == NULL){ status=-ENOMEM; goto err; }
- at91_adc_cdev->owner = THIS_MODULE;
- at91_adc_cdev->ops = &at91_adc_fops;
- status = cdev_add(at91_adc_cdev,at91_adc_devno,1);
- if(status){
- goto err;
- }
- /* register the class */
- at91_adc_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, DRV_CLASS);
- if(IS_ERR(at91_adc_class)){ status=-EFAULT; goto err; }
- device_create(at91_adc_class, NULL, at91_adc_devno, NULL,;
- printk(KERN_INFO "Major: %u; minor: %u\n", \
- MAJOR(at91_adc_devno), MINOR(at91_adc_devno) \
- );
- return 0;
- at91_adc_cdev_teardown();
- return status;
-/* Module init/exit */
-static int __init at91_adc_init(void){
- int status;
- at91_adc_clk = clk_get(NULL,"adc_clk");
- clk_enable(at91_adc_clk);
- at91_adc_base = ioremap(AT91SAM9260_BASE_ADC,SZ_256);
- if(!at91_adc_base){
- status=-ENODEV;
- goto fail_no_iomem_adc;
- }
- at91_pioc_base = ioremap(AT91_BASE_SYS + AT91_PIOC,SZ_512);
- if(!at91_pioc_base){
- status=-ENODEV;
- goto fail_no_iomem_pioc;
- }
- status = platform_device_register(&at91_adc_device);
- if(status){
- goto fail_no_dev;
- }
- status = at91_adc_config(AT91_DEFAULT_CONFIG);
- if(status){
- goto fail_no_config;
- }
- status = sysfs_create_group(
- &(, &at91_adc_dev_attr_group
- );
- if(status){
- goto fail_no_sysfs;
- }
- status = at91_adc_cdev_setup();
- if(status){
- goto fail_no_cdev;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "Registered device at91_adc.\n");
- return 0;
- // nothing to undo
- platform_device_unregister(&at91_adc_device);
- iounmap(at91_adc_base);
- iounmap(at91_pioc_base);
- clk_disable(at91_adc_clk);
- clk_put(at91_adc_clk);
- return status;
-static void __exit at91_adc_exit(void){
- at91_adc_cdev_teardown();
- platform_device_unregister(&at91_adc_device);
- iounmap(at91_adc_base);
- iounmap(at91_pioc_base);
- clk_disable(at91_adc_clk);
- clk_put(at91_adc_clk);
- printk(KERN_INFO "Unregistered device at91_adc.\n");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Paul Kavan");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Claudio Mignanti");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Antonio Galea");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Stefano Barbato");
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ADC Driver for the AT91SAM9G20");
diff --git a/target/linux/at91/files/drivers/misc/at91_adc.h b/target/linux/at91/files/drivers/misc/at91_adc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d6f01d84..000000000
--- a/target/linux/at91/files/drivers/misc/at91_adc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * include/asm-arm/arch-at91/at91_adc.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) SAN People
- *
- * Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) registers.
- * Based on AT91SAM9260 datasheet revision D.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- */
-#ifndef AT91_ADC_H
-#define AT91_ADC_H
-#define AT91_ADC_CR 0x00 /* Control Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_SWRST (1 << 0) /* Software Reset */
-#define AT91_ADC_START (1 << 1) /* Start Conversion */
-#define AT91_ADC_MR 0x04 /* Mode Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_TRGEN (1 << 0) /* Trigger Enable */
-#define AT91_ADC_TRGSEL (7 << 1) /* Trigger Selection */
-#define AT91_ADC_TRGSEL_TC0 (0 << 1)
-#define AT91_ADC_TRGSEL_TC1 (1 << 1)
-#define AT91_ADC_TRGSEL_TC2 (2 << 1)
-#define AT91_ADC_TRGSEL_EXTERNAL (6 << 1)
-#define AT91_ADC_LOWRES (1 << 4) /* Low Resolution */
-#define AT91_ADC_SLEEP (1 << 5) /* Sleep Mode */
-#define AT91_ADC_PRESCAL (0x3f << 8) /* Prescalar Rate Selection */
-#define AT91_ADC_PRESCAL_(x) ((x) << 8)
-#define AT91_ADC_STARTUP (0x1f << 16) /* Startup Up Time */
-#define AT91_ADC_STARTUP_(x) ((x) << 16)
-#define AT91_ADC_SHTIM (0xf << 24) /* Sample & Hold Time */
-#define AT91_ADC_SHTIM_(x) ((x) << 24)
-#define AT91_ADC_CHER 0x10 /* Channel Enable Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_CHDR 0x14 /* Channel Disable Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_CHSR 0x18 /* Channel Status Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_CH(n) (1 << (n)) /* Channel Number */
-#define AT91_ADC_SR 0x1C /* Status Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_EOC(n) (1 << (n)) /* End of Conversion on Channel N */
-#define AT91_ADC_OVRE(n) (1 << ((n) + 8))/* Overrun Error on Channel N */
-#define AT91_ADC_DRDY (1 << 16) /* Data Ready */
-#define AT91_ADC_GOVRE (1 << 17) /* General Overrun Error */
-#define AT91_ADC_ENDRX (1 << 18) /* End of RX Buffer */
-#define AT91_ADC_RXFUFF (1 << 19) /* RX Buffer Full */
-#define AT91_ADC_LCDR 0x20 /* Last Converted Data Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_LDATA (0x3ff)
-#define AT91_ADC_IER 0x24 /* Interrupt Enable Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_IDR 0x28 /* Interrupt Disable Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_IMR 0x2C /* Interrupt Mask Register */
-#define AT91_ADC_CHR(n) (0x30 + ((n) * 4)) /* Channel Data Register N */
-#define AT91_ADC_DATA (0x3ff)